
A Guest’s Injury at Your Home Can Mean Financial Loss without Insurance

Mostly, we tend to go through life without thinking too much about the possible consequences of the things we do. Perhaps, if we sign up for a skydive on vacation and have to sign a waiver, we might consider the risk, but mostly, in a situation like that, we’re usually so pumped about doing the jump that the possibility of it going wrong might not be uppermost in our minds.

However, every day we run risks, including in your home. We might not even consider them risks, but even going up the stairs can be risky, and could lead to an accident that leaves a family member or guest injured. The question that arises then is who pays if a guest in your home is hurt badly?

If the mishap results in a lawsuit, you are responsible for paying. However, if you do not have the right coverage through your home insurance, you may be facing financial devastation. This is why updating your policy is so important. You never know when someone could get hurt in your home due to a simple act. Being prepared for the worst is the best option.

Next time you meet with your insurance agent, you should ask about your homeowners insurance. Ask about your options and get some quotes. Look at what you need to pay to provide yourself with back up so that you can maintain some options about your life and ensure that if the worst happens, you have some choices available to you.



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